The steps below comprise a commonsense approach that can help you find relevant, quality information–for answering a question, writing a paper, preparing a presentation, working on a lab experiment, etc.
This Information Strategy consists of the following four parts:
*Evaluate … questions to ask; how appropriate, valid, and useful is the information that you have? This is the most important step in any search for information!
Evaluating information/source evaluation (video) — https://youtu.be/-fFx5T5kTh8
*Research Question/Define a topic … what is the question(s) you are trying to answer? Sources here can help you —
- find topic ideas
- understand concepts
- answer fact questions
- discover search terms, phrases, and names
- focus a research question
Keyword searching: finding and identifying search terms (video) — https://youtu.be/DDwtGRlPEW8
Remember, true research is rarely a straight path.
*Identify … these sources can help you find evidence to answer your question or validate/invalidate an answer.
Choosing Sources (video) — https://youtu.be/V27SUpScQKc
Science Matrix overview (video) — https://youtu.be/NbQ-KedRM9c
Science Matrix #2: unpacking primary literature (video) — https://youtu.be/ecwX-jez4lE
*Locate … if the full text is not directly available above, these are the quickest ways to check if you have access to a source —
Strategian Science – Full Text Articles
Strategian Science – Full Text Books
Science Primary Literature (external database)
… plus, check local resources.
*And then, evaluate again!
Questions? Please let me know (engelk@grinnell.edu).