Vintage Biology

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About Vintage Biology

Vintage Biology is a highly-selective database containing records describing important articles, books, and documents published prior to 1969. Subjects covered include botany, ecology, the environment, plant science, the prairie, and more.

Why 1969?

Unlike most other major scientific fields, important research publications in Biology published before 1969 still must often be found manually--searching by hand the bibliographies of articles and books published more recently. While any online resource is not a complete substitute for that, the overwhelming preference of many students and faculty for using materials online means that students will often miss important literature published prior to the beginning of the online Biology database they happen to be using. Plus, these kinds of publications are very difficult to identify through general search engines like Google and Google Scholar.


Vintage Biololgy is a highly-selective database--meaning that it does not include all articles published before 1969 from the journals it indexes. Instead, it indexes only those deemed most important.

As a result, the database is smaller in size and needs to be searched in a different way than much larger databases or search engines.

General searching

Type only one word or phrase in each relevant box above.

Key fields to search

Each box represents a specific field of information. The most important fields to include in a search are likely to be keywords, more_keywords, and/or title.

Important words and phrases taken from the title, abstract, table of contents, summary, and other key parts of the publication appear in the keywords and more_keywords fields. These words and phrases describe what the publication is about. To enhance searching the database, the keywords and more_keywords fields contain the same words and phrases.

Boolean searching

To do a Boolean and search and look for records that contain all the words and phrases entered in multiple fields, choose all the conditions required at the top. To do a Boolean or search and look for records that contain any of the words and phrases entered, choose any of the conditions required.

Searching for phrases

To search for a specific phrase, enter the phrase (without quote marks) in the appropriate field.


Truncation is automatic. Entering the root of a word in an appropriate field will search for all forms of the word. For instance, typing develop in the keywords field will also find records containing the words developed, development, develops, etc.

Publication types

The options searchable through the publication_type field are the following:

article in book
chapter in book
government document

Displaying search results

The search result screen that first appears shows very basic information about the publication. To see or get a link to all the information about the publication available in the database, click the details icon to the immediate left of the title.

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Updated September 4, 2006
Kevin Engel (
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copyright 1998-Present Kevin Engel