Climate migrants

Climate migrants: where will they go?

“With climate-fueled hurricanes, wildfires, and other climate-related disasters intensifying, climate migration is on the minds of communities and researchers. Around the globe, more than 216 million people could be forced to move due to climate change by 2050, according to a 2021 World Bank report. By 2100, 13 million U.S. residents could be displaced by sea level rise alone. The topic of climate migration leads to numerous questions, from “Where…

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How ChatGPT robs students of motivation to write and think for themselves

Naomi S. Baron, American University (from The Conversation) When the company OpenAI launched its new artificial intelligence program, ChatGPT, in late 2022, educators began to worry. ChatGPT could generate text that seemed like a human wrote it. How could teachers detect whether students were using language generated by an AI chatbot to cheat on a writing assignment? As a linguist who studies the effects of…

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Food and diet and impacts on human behavior

What are the connections between the food we eat and how we behave? In particular, is there a connection between diet and aggressive behavior? Can this connection be used to help reduce the aggressive behavior that leads to criminal acts? Featured article: *Tcherni‐Buzzeo, Maria. (2023). Dietary interventions, the gut microbiome, and aggressive behavior: Review of research evidence and potential next steps. Aggressive Behavior, 49(1), 15-32….

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Food waste: beyond good ideas, what will people actually do?

On an international scale, food waste is a big problem. “The largest contribution to food waste is from the consumption stage, where household food waste represents the largest share.” In a time of growing food insecurity even in so-called richer countries–due to war, the effects of climate change on agriculture, supply chain problems, and more–wasting a large percentage of the food that is produced magnifies…

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The behavior of crowds: partisan/politicized

More research on the behavior of crowds–benefits and risks … Featured articles: *Becker, J., Porter, E., & Centola, D. (2019). The wisdom of partisan crowds. PNAS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116(22), 10717-10722. [PDF] [Cited by] “Theories in favor of deliberative democracy are based on the premise that social information processing can improve group beliefs. While research on the…

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