Air pollution: one of the world’s greatest public health threats

“Air pollution is one of the world’s greatest public health threats, reducing global life expectancy more than smoking, alcohol or childhood malnutrition. Recent studies estimate that fine particulate matter called PM2.5—pumped out by cars, factories, woodstoves and wildfires—causes nearly nine million premature deaths annually.” [Greenspan, J. (2023). Air Pollution Is Really Dangerous, Even More New Evidence Shows: Dirty air has been linked to poor health outcomes, ranging from suicidality…

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Mental illness and gun violence: is there a real connection?

Is there a real connection between mental illness and violence, especially gun violence? Mental illness is a frequent scapegoat for politicians, organizations, and groups who support easy access to guns. Are individuals with mental illness more prone to violence than the general population? Or are people with mental illness more likely to be victims of violence? What does the research say? Featured articles: *Anestis, M….

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Declining life expectancy in the United States

Life expectancy in the United States is declining–officially since 2014–but the causes have been a long time in the making extending back to at least 1999. “Midlife adults” (25-64 years of age) have experienced the largest increase in death rates especially due to — drug overdoses suicide alcohol-related diseases obesity hypertension renal failure “The U.S. life expectancy gap between the richest and poorest 1% of…

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